Friday, 14 March 2014

Pumpkins and Puffas!

Hey guys,

So here are some of my projects, and, please bear with me, more projects will be released tomorrow...

The first thing I have is the Pumpkin Dress, which fits an adult sylvanian, and it is made out of felt. Here it is:
The Dress...

A close up of the pumpkin, and, yes, it was hand stitched by me.

Then we have the Puffa Jacket:                                            

Looking very snazzy in the Puffa

On the inside its lined with a soft fray fabric and in-between each
bump in the jacket, I sewed in some pillow fluff to make it soft
 And sorry for these random gaps, I just could NOT figure out how to take these out so, yeah.
The back of the jacket.
 So, see you tomorrow with more crafts, and I will probably post a tutorial on one of these.


  1. Hi it's Hachansaurus! (≧∇≦)
    I like your pumpkin dress!!
    I really wanna wear that dress!!!
    You should make pumpkin hat !! It will match together with the dress!!!

  2. Okay, it will be up today or tomorrow!
    Thanks for the suggestion! Lucy
